Dr Colin Gray
Speaker on Podcasting, Content Marketing, Digital Education & Entrepreneurship
Colin Gray is a software Founder, a Podcaster and a content marketing expert. He has been a Podcaster and Content creator for over a decade, and teaches others how to grow a business in the same way. For more on Colin Gray. Contact Colin about Speaking here.

Youpreneur Summit

CMA Live


How Audio Sells
How any business can cultivate a tribe, grow trust and boost sales through Podcasting
Teaching for Success
How to be an online teacher who breeds action, success, authority and rabid fans
Sustainable Content
Regular content WINS. Learn how to make it easy for you & more useful to your readers
Build Your Own Boss
Teaching planning & execution tools that freelancers / startups can use to drive action
Planning & Execution for Small Businesses
Colin recently spoke at Build Your Audience Live – my annual event for coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs who are looking to build their online audience. His talk was polished, to-the-point and he delivered tons of value. Colin was also happy to chat to delegates before and after his talk – adding value at every stage. Around 55% of the tickets for my next live event were sold at or shortly after the event (including repeat bookings from around a third of delegates). I know that Colin’s talk definitely played a part in that success story. I’d have no hesitation in booking Colin to speak at a future event.
Janet Murray
Marketing expert, author and keynote speaker, JanetMurray.co.uk
“We worked with Colin during New Media Europe in 2015 and UKPOD14 in 2014. On both occasions Colin did not disappoint. His speeches were current, relevant and most of all engaging. He has a clear passion for podcasting and this shines through in the content he produces. Colin was also very good with communication and promotion help before both events. Our attendees continue providing great feedback for Colin’s session and we will not hesitate in inviting him to our future events!”
Izabela Russell
Managing Director, New Media Europe
We have worked closely with Colin at a number of our events over the past two years and we now know him very well. Colin is hugely involved in podcasting and continues to hone his craft. He’s a great public speaker and I know that he’s deliberately developing himself to become the best in his field.
Colin ticks all the boxes and we have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Colin to speak and facilitate at industry, business and marketing conferences, seminars and events – I’m putting my money where my mouth is…we’ve invited him to speak at our flagship event in Scotland in 2016!
Chris Marr
Director & Founder, The Content Marketing Academy
Conquering Consistent Content: Tools & Tactics to Become a Prolific Blogger, Podcaster & Broadcaster
Inbound 2018, Boston, USA, 6th September, 2018.
9 Ways to Cut the Time it Takes to Ship Your Show
Podcast Movement 2018, Philadelphia, USA, 24th July, 2018
Why Every Business Should Be Podcasting, and How to Start
Go Digital – Live!, Harrogate – 23rd March
When Art is War, How to Lay Siege to Your Goals
CMA 2018 Kick-Off, Dundee, 5th January
A Life in the Day of a Podcaster
#UKPOD14 – Birmingham, UK
Using Social Media Marketing in your Business – Workshop
Dundee and Angus College
Lightning Podcast Production
The Content Marketing Academy – Fife, Scotland
How Podcasting Can Grow Your Business
Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce – Dundee, Scotland
Designing Your Podcast for Success – Workshop
The Content Marketing Academy – Fife, Scotland
Using Podcasts to Enhance Student Learning and Support.
SEDA Spring Conference, Aston University, Birmingham.
University wide podcasting initiatives at Napier University.
MEL-SIG Edinburgh, 2011.
Using podcasts to engage students in their learning.
ALDinHE Annual Conference.Queen’s University, Belfast
When Art is War, How to Lay Siege to Your Goals
Youpreneur Summit, London – 3rd November
Building Alitu: A SAAS Product for Podcasters
Engage, Invest, Exploit, Edinburgh – May 10th
Content Stacking & Fanatical Fans
Problogger, Australia – 9th Sept
Innovation & Growth in Podcasting
New Media Europe, London – 18/19 June.
Podcasting at the Heart of Your Content
TCMA, Edinburgh – 2/3 June
Developing Fanatical Fans
Social Media Conference, Glasgow – 18 May
Why Podcasting?
EIE, Edinburgh – 12 May
Creating Your Podcast & Making it a Success
Thinking Digital London
The Whats & Whys of Podcasting
Enterprise Nation, London
How to Start Your Own Show
Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce
Content Marketing Live Broadcast – Interviews & Chat The Content Marketing Academy – Edinburgh, Scotland Breaking the Podcasting Mould UKPodcasters Scotland – Glasgow, Scotland Time to Get Series-ous? How to Revitalise and Sell your Podcast New Media Europe – Manchester, UK The 10 Cardinal Podcasting SinsPodcast Movement – Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Bite Sized Staff Development – Increase Participation, Creativity & Knowledge Exchange
SEDA Conference – Birmingham, UK
The Digital Researcher: Processing Academic Literature Paperless
Abertay University Conference – Dundee, Scotland
Social Not-working? Evaluating an online learning community for higher education
The International Conference on eLearning – Kelowna, Canada
Teaching via (blog-delivered) flexible daily micro-tasks.
Learning, Teaching and Assessment – Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
Putting the Work Into Social Networking
Online Educa – Berlin, Germany
Building a learning community with social networking
Society for General Microbiology Spring Conference 2012, Dublin
Creating effective multimedia learning materials for the mobile platform
European Conference on e-Learning. Porto, Portugal,
Choice, collaboration and web 2. 0: what we can learn from the student experience of technology-enhanced education
Learners in the Co-creation of Knowledge 2008. Edinburgh
Audience Reactions